Webinar from DINTERNAL Education

 On the 17th of February we had  an opportunity to watch an interesting and helpful webinar: "Teaching Speaking in Online Classroom Environment".

The presenter, Olena Mikhodui shared with us the useful ideas about blending learning.

She told us about the differences in classroom and virtual teaching, and how without changing the strategies in our lesson plans get the better results and feadback from our students without differences in the classical or digital learning. Mostly it was about working with the platform Zoom, but some steps still will be useful and productive in Google Meet. 

So, I like the mostly all ideas thow they are realy helpful and creative. 

Also, Olesia Kozlyshyna gave us some helpful resurses in teaching Speaking which we can use in preparing our online lessons.

Вебінар РОІППО для керівників методоб'єднань класних керівників

 Сьогодні керівники шкільних методоб'єднань мали можливість познайомитись з цікавими формами проведення і організації виховної роботи з дітьми в умовах дистанційного навчання. Наталя Мінакова  поділилась з нами корисними ідеями для отримання ефективного "фідбеку" від учнів та їхніх батьків з використанням різноманітних інструментів ефективних в умовах он-лайн навчання.  

British Council`s on-line forum.

 On the 24th of January we had a great opportunity to watch the on-line forum: "Virtual Teaching: skill of the future?"

Here are the presenters:

 The teachers shared their ideas and sites about using helpful virtual instrumens on their English lessons and give as some information about the successful using of them. They shared also some helpful tips/steps about teaching English they use on the lessons. The presenters shared their own expirience. 

  So, I think this on-line forum gave us a good  piece of information to be thinking about. Because it has a lot of good ideas of succesful work with children  during the distance studing.