Our Olympic Games

  Today in our language camp “KEEP FIT” was “Our Olympic Games” day. 

We started it with morning exercises where we remembered all the songs that we learned during the camp. It was funny. Then we started our Games from the Opening  Ceremony, where the teams performed a solemn procession along the stadium, saw the bringing of an Olympic fire, performed the anthem,  listened to the adage and saw the dance prepared the day before. 

Then the children demonstrated their sporting skills in the various disciplines that they invented: Bottle Shooting, Paper Ball Throwing, Football Bowling, Long-jumping, 400 Metres Running, etc. 

   After this, the Medals Ceremony was held, where students also received certificates for these and other competitions they had in the camp.

 At the end, the campers watched the photos taken during the camp, shared their impressions of the work in our language camp, continued and performed the song "If you happy ...".

Preparing for the Olympic Games

   Today in our language camp was "Preparing for the Olympis Games"  day.

  We began it as usually with morning exercises,  performed  the song "Go bananas", and did the exercise game "Sports Gallery". Then we played fun sports at the sports ground: "Batty Bowling", "Crab Football", "Volleyball with Human net". Children really liked these games

  And in the end we were preparing a project - a dance and a song before the Olympic Games Day. The children curiously and heartily trained to the opening ceremony.

Healthy Travelling Day

Today in our language camp was lot of fun. In the morning we received a lot of positive emotions performing the exercises that had been studied before. Children liked to be the leaders of these exercises-games.
Then we went on a trip to the forest. Today the language camp had "Healthy Travelling Day", so we "travelled" to different countries of the world, and this game was called "Galloping around the world". 
The camp participants not only learned about the national sports of different countries, but also about sport games invented in these countries. Children also "cooked" the national dishes of these countries with making them more useful, and describing what useful ingridients they put there. According to the results of the game, the team "United States" won and received prizes.
 Than all children worked on a project, preparing this or that kind of sport from recycling materials.

What do you know about the Olympic Games?

   Today in our language camp we started to learn more about the Olympic Games. Our day was called "What do you know about the Olympic Games?".
    As usually we started it with fun morning exercises. The students during it also composed the words "SPORT / PEACE / MEDAL" with help of their bodies. 
   Than the camp participants took part in the "Doctor Sport" game, where the doctor "rescued" patients from the "virus" by asking the questions about sports. Who did not answer correctly, pictured the answer and returned to the game again.
    At the end the students worked on the project "How do you know the Olympic Games?" and presented it.

Healthy Lifestyle Day

Today in our language camp was "Healthy Lifestyle Day". And its started with energetic morning exercises. 
Also children were happy to perform exercise game "Fruit Salad" and do "Pizza energiser". After that the participants of the language camp played a game "True or False" where they were able to prove their knowledges about fruits and vegetables.
The team "Girls" won and recived the small prizes.
  Than the all children of our school camp "The Dream" went on tour to the museum of the city Dubno.
 We visited the Dubno Castle and got a lot of positive emotions.
At the end of our tour we also visited the fire-station of our city. It was great.

Water Day

In the language camp "KEEP FIT" today was Water Day. The participants of the camp spoke about the importance of water and the need in it for all living organisms.
  The work began with "Water Challenge". The children did experiments with water, playing "water music", did interesting tasks associated with water and recreation.
Kids liked the best the experiment with Coca-cola which showed the degydration process. 
After that they worked on the project "Drink more water". Language camp participants created the funny comics all together.

My Hobbies Day

Today our work in the language camp was devoted to hobbies and recreation. This day we called "My Hobbies Day".  Students had fun doing the morning exercises.
The participants of the language camp than had the Station Game "The world of hobbies". They traveled from the station to the station in teams and did the certain tasks. Everyone enjoed it.

Then the children plunged into the world of hobbies where shared their preferences,  talked about them. We also watched the presentations "Sport and hobbies", "Top 10 most dangerous sports in the world".
At the end of our camp work today children in groups produced and presented the projects about the importance of active spending of leisure time.

Healthy Picnic Day

Today in the Language camp we had "Healthy Picnic Day". It started with  funny morning exercises, and  even smaller kids did it together with us. 
Language camp participants learned about healthy eating and talked about the importance of a balanced diet.
Pupils watched the video "What's on your plate?" and described their balanced diets.
They also worked with cards and create "healthy food vocabulary rainbow" and found out why fruits and vegetables has the certain colors and learned why eating fruits and vegetables of some colous are so good for health. Also participants had created "Fruit traffic lights"and we organized a picnic.
 Today children worked on projects about the importance of healthy eating.

Healthy Habits Day

The work in our Language camp "KEEP FIT" was interesting and fun today. The second day was  called "Healthy Habits Day", and it was  devoted to useful habits. We started it with fun morning exercises.

Pupils talked about healthy and unhealthy habits, playing games "Smoking aerobics", "Alcohol ball" and found out the impact of bad habits have on the human body and determine what can lead to certain consequences.
Children also did interesting tests "How healthy you are?", "What preffered drink can tell about your personality", and perfomed the song about useful habits. 
Language camp participants worked on a project of their own comics about the benefit of  a healthy lifestyle and healthy habits, which were then presented in group.

Opening of the Summer Language Camp

  Today there was a special holiday in our school - the opening of the summer language camp "KEEP FIT".

  Children, guests of the party and all participants departed for a visit to the doctor Summer, who taught students the rules of healthy living and fun and recreation. The participants of  Party not only were  treated from fatigue and illnesses, but also received a lot of fun creating together with the doctor the specific medication of  beautiful summer vacation. The children also created their own rules of stay in the camp and took a solemn oath's of language camp.

  After the Opening Party the children played  "games for friends" and worked on projects. Our work today was funny and interesting.

Випускний 2017

Тепло і по-особливому душевно пройшов сьогодні випускний у нашій школі. 

З врученням Свідоцтв випускників пройшли привітати їх батьки, друзі, учні школи, вчителі і гості свята. Серед них була і представник відділу освіти Семенюк А. 

Випускники урочисто передали свої повноваження молодшим школярам та висловили щирі слова вдячності батькам, вчителям та персоналу школи.

Найбільш щемливим моментом для всіх присутніх гостей, учнів та школярів, а особливо для самих випускників виявився момент перерізання стрічок класним керівником Мельничук О.О.
 Тож, дорогі випускники, бажаємо вам вдалих стартів, та успіхів в усіх намічених починаннях.