Her Majesty the Queen

 On the 21st of April, the Queen Elizabeth II had an 95th Anniversary. But this event had also some tune of sadness, because of her husband, Prince Philip's death. I and some of my students, who also watch all news about royal family, we were realy upset with this loss.

But, on this day of her birthday, we couldn't speak about this Great Woman and the Royal family. So, during my English lessons today I with students of the primary school watched the short presentations about Queen's two birthdays. Children were impressed by this fact and liked the photoes of Guards and a parade on the London's streets.

With 5th grade students we also had a short 15 minutes quiz: "Her Majesty the Queen". Children showed  at first to themselves, how many do they know about the Royal Family and the life of the queen Elizabeth II.

Meeting of the school-laboratory of intercultural communication

 Yesterday, on the 20th of April, we had an opportunity to learn the experience of specialized school "Nadiya's center" named after Nadiya Marynovych in  Rivne. The theme of this meeting was: "Innovations in the formation and development of intercultural communication in the process of education".

Tetiana Gavlitina told us about the Strategies that this school once has chosen and about the Regulations on the school-laboratory of intercultural communication.

Maryna Varenyk, Deputy Director for Educational Work, told us about the histury of this school and facultative course that English teachers created for different ages of pupils of this school. This school was first one, which integrated american modul system of teaching English. Also these works has won several prises on the region and all-ukrainian level.

Kukla Viktoriya shared with us her expirience of working with Pearson and Dinternal Education. She told us about new programs for the pupils created on the base of "Big science"books and about all advantages for pupils passing the international exams and getting the certificats of special levels. 

It was very informative and interesting meeting. These people really have done a great work. Thank you for good experience.