New Year Quest - "The TIME MACHINE"

 I would like to say that my 6th formers wanted it from the first minute I've proposed them to do it. They were waiting for it with a great expectations. And it was really a great and happy time for them.

We've travelled to the past times to find out who was Santa in a real life and what special gift he gave for every person on our planet. We also have got a special knowledge about the Christmas tree: who brought it, how it was decorated at first and what was the first unusual christmas traditions in Ukraine.

We also have seen the New Year in Future. The most interesting for my students was to see the future New Year Trees and the special unusual gadgets people have in the future.

We also have made a world-around tour to see the New Year in different countries before we 've came back to our time zone and our time place.

Many funny adventures were happened with us during the quest.

And this is the time to say MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW 2021 YEAR for you! Have the Great and Happy Holidays!

How to make a spirit bright

 The Christmas and New Year time is coming and everyone want to feel the holiday inside himself/herself. Every child wants to feel that holiday mood is not destroyed by something and it stil exists in every person around. This is the time when we can show that we are care of our native people and the time when we can bring something good and make something special for people around us. Today's life runs very quickly, and Sometimes we, adults, forget, ashame, or just do not have a time to show our holiday mood for people and our children.

I've decided to show my students that we, adults, are still have some bright spirit inside of us. That's how it was.

So, and don't forget to be a NICE SANTA for people who need you. Christmas is a really the most wonderful time of the year!