Our Graduates

Today our graduates leave the school to find their life road. The ceremony  took place on a warm-hearted atmosphere. They felt like genuine kings and queens in their honorary places.

They were welcomed not only by teachers and parents, but also by their friends, parents, grandmothers, brothers and sisters, future first-graders and other guests. With excitement and sorrow, the graduates remembered various moments of their school life by turning the last page of their "school album".
I wish you, my dears to find your life road! Let you be happy on it!

Goodbye Day

Here is the time to say goodbye to summer camp. Well, the campers realy had fun. All their rewards are the result of good work. And we all in camp become very friendly. Today the children remembered the most interesting moments of their camp life, watched the photos. It was a good fun. And at the very end campers created a poster of wishes and impressions from the camp life.


This unusual day we started  as usual with active lingual warm-up.
Then we "went" to the magic world where all the participants had to take part in lot of interesting tasks from the magical creatures of this country in order to find our way back home.
And for the end we created a book about all our adventures.

Day of Everyday English

We started this day with an active warming up, and we remembered whether we found new ways to learn words and work with them, and worked with different useful expressions.
Then the students took part in the "Intellectual Marathon", where the forces of the participants were almost equal.
At the end we worked on the project,  and the campers came up with their own ads that would encourage them to learn English.

Travelling Day

An active warming up about the most popular means of transport began our morning in the camp today. Everyone has a lot of fun.
We continued to work in the camp, taking part in the competition "City and Transport". The campers worked on the project "The Most Favorite Travel".

Hobby Day

Our camp participants started the day with active warm-up and at the same time repeated the words to the topic.
Then the campers took part in the lesson, named the most diverse hobbies. And at the end they produced the one big project to the topic "Hobbies", where everyone added his part to a map of our likes.

Grammar Day

Today, we travelled to the magical world of Harry Potter. We read and discussed the section from the book, reviewed the video clip, and performed grammatical tasks for it.
Then the camp participants took part in the competition. They had the opportunity to attend the lessons learned by Harry himself. Everyone really liked the lessons, because each of them opened the children a secret.
At the end, each camper presented a project about the favorite things from this fantastic story.

The Day of Environment

This day we decided to devote  to the ecological problems of our planet. The campers in active form remembered the words, and viewed the presentation to the topic. They were very impressed by their photo of animals that fell into trouble due to uncontrolled polution of their habitat.
We also reviewed the part of the movie "Avatar" and saw what the consequences could have caused the human desire to use all the resources of the planet. And at the end, the kids worked with the projects to find solutions to the environmental problems of our planet.

Food Day

Today, in the language camp, we began our day with the funny warming up and games, we remembered the names of products and dishes. Each participant was happy to talk about his favorites.
And the competition "Hell Kitchen" showed that campers know well how to "cook" from the products obtained. At the end, the children presented with pleasure their projects "My favorite dish", and they tasted their delicious meals by organizing a mini-picnic.

Well, that's summer

 The second day of our language camp was dedicated to the magic time of the year - summer.
Children played a variety of language games, expressed their expectations and hopes for an interesting holiday in the summer, learned poems and songs about this time of year. At the end, the campers presented a project to the topic "Summer".

Summer Camp BRIGHTS

Our language camp "Brights" has started its work since today.
  Pupils traditionally introduced their detachment, adopted the camp's rules during the Opening Party. We also presented our mini-projects "Getting to Know Me." The atmosphere of the holiday was complemented by interesting and fun language games.

Останній Дзвоник

Сьогодні особливий день, адже прощаються зі школою мої дорогі і любі випускники. Саме тому і провести його ми вирішили по особливому: коротка лінійка і загальношкільний квест та танцювальний флеш-моб.

Всі учні були просто в захваті. А наприкінці — фотосефотосесія переможців районних конкурсів та, змагань. Та й загальне фото переможців квесту. Молодці!